
(Note: this copied straight out of a document which WAS expressly for my own uses; no attempts have been made to make it easier to understand.)
Kit #TitleQuantitySizeScalePriceManufac.Man. PriceComments
A01303M4 Sherman Tank2SS-76$0.00Airfix$0.00
A01308Tiger I Tank5SS-76$6.99Airfix$0.00Some poorly cast, otherwise good kit
NEW YORK 11XS-700$0.00ARII$0.00Instructions not in English
35009Panzer Kampfwagen II Ausf. F/G1MM-35$15.99Tamiya$13.50Cheapest Panzer II around, good quality
35017German 88mm Gun Flak 36/371M-35$0.00Tamiya$30.00
35020HANOMAG Sdkfz251/11MLM-35$0.00Tamiya$17.00
35026JERRY CANS Set1XSM-35$5.49Tamiya$4.70
35038German Army MACHINEGUN TROOPS (Infantry)1MM-35$0.00Tamiya$6.25Many soldiers for cheap
350477.5Cm ANTI-TANK GUN PAK40/L461M-35$0.00Tamiya$7.50Cheap gun
35061German PANZER GRENADIERS SET1MM-35$0.00Tamiya$6.50Many soldiers for cheap
35067ROAD SIGN SET1XSM-35$9.99Tamiya$9.00Does not contain all advertiseed labels
35086U.S.GUN & MORTAR TEAM1MM-35$0.00Tamiya$6.25Many soldiers for cheap
35133U.S. MODERN ARMY INFANTRY SET1XSM-35$0.00Tamiya$5.00Only 4 soldiers included
35149T34/76 Russian Tank, "ChTZ" Version, 1943 Production1M-35$0.00Tamiya$28.00Obscure tank type, hard to find in other scales
35188German Tank Ammo-Loading Crew1MM-35$12.99Tamiya$12.00Includes cat!
35190M4 SHERMAN (Early Production)1LM-35$0.00Tamiya$41.00
35207RUSSIAN ARMY ASSAULT INFANTRY1MM-35$0.00Tamiya$18.50Many soldiers for cheap
35249BRITISH UNIVERSAL CARRIER Mk.II Forced Reconnaissance1M-35$0.00Tamiya$22.50
32532BRITISH SHERMAN IC FIREFLY1MLM-48$0.00Tamiya$29.00
2511Deutsche Panzergrenadiere WW II1SS-72$0.00Revell$0.00No support weapons included, low pose variety
2516SIBERIAN RIFLEMEN WWII1SS-72$0.00Revell$0.00Support weapons?
3176German heavy gun 17cm Kanone 181MLS-72$13.99RevellVery cheap, included parts for 21cm Morser 18!
3211Sherman Firefly1SS-76$0.00Revell$0.00Includes display scenery
3232Sd.Kfz. 173 ,,JAGDPANTHER''1SS-76$9.99Revell$0.00Includes display scenery
5804R.M.S. Titanic1SXS-1200$10.99Revell$0.00
6515Allied Assault MONTE CASSINO 19441MM-35$0.00Dragon$10.95Only 4 soldiers included
212PANZERKAMPFWAGEN 38 (t)1LM-35$0.00Italeri$0.00Hard to understand sprue numbers
6087Walls and Ruins1SS-72$10.99Italeri$0.00
6275Jagdpanther - SD.KFZ. 1731LM-35$0.00Italeri$0.00
7049KV-1 m411MS-72$9.95Italeri$0.00
1310WW.II GROUND VEHICLE SET1MLS-72$0.00Academy$0.00Great selection of vehicles

Highlights are where information is lacking, as with $0.00s.
Size refers to size of box, not size of kit.
Under scale, the letter refers to what category I call the scale (S-Small, M-Medium, etc.), and the number is the denominator (35-1/35, 48-1/48, etc.).
Many of the columns are squished together, as I originally made this in Microsoft Excel, but the grid failed to appear here.
Demolish in the Used area means it is one of my ''Test Subjects'', 0.5 means that not all of the kit is used, 1 means that the kit is being useed in a diorama. This is more my use than yours.