Tuesday, February 28, 2012


M1.... It's an M1 tank, or M1 rifle, or M1 carbine, not an M1.
  • M1 ½ ton, 4X2, Bomb service
  • M1 1ton, 4X2, Bomb service, (G85)
  • M1 6ton, 6X6, heavy wrecker, (G116)
  • M1 artillery repair, COE, van, 1.5 to 3ton, 4X4 (G82)
  • M1 automotive repair, COE, van, 1.5 to 3ton, 4X4 (G83)
  • M1 Bomb service, (G85)
  • M1 chemical service, GMC CCKW
  • M1 earth auger,
  • M1 emergency repair, Dodge WC series
  • M1 light machine shop, (G16)
  • M1 small arms repair, COE, van, 1.5 to 3-ton, 4X4 (G72)
  • M1 spare parts, COE, van, 1.5 to 3-ton, 4X4 (G84)
  • M1 tank maintenance, COE, van, 1.5 to 3-ton, 4X4 (G91)
  • M1 heavy wrecking, (G63)
  • M1 Combat Car, also known as the M1 Light Tank
  • M1 light motorcycle
  • M1 Armored car (G29) T4 Cunningham (1934)

  • M1 scout car (G31)
  • M1 Halftrack
  • M1 light tractor
  • M1 medium tractor
  • M1 heavy tractor
  • M1 searchlight trailer (G221)
  • M1 La Plante bulldozer for M4 Sherman. (G228)
  • M1 Abrams Tank, main battle, full-track, 105 mm gun, 58-ton

Monday, August 8, 2011

How to Make a Maverick REV-6 with detchable clips, or as I call it, REV6A2.

The whole gun. Sidenote: the stock IS a bit short.

Front of Drum, w/o spinner.

Two Drums.

Back of drum, minus spinner.

Yellow: Body of Gun
Olive Drab: Rotator (Rear)/Pins/Pushers
Red: Spinners
Blue: Drum Mag
White: Nothing.
Image not to scale, even within itself.
First step: buy a sh*t load of mavericks, not only are they necessary for this, but before the mod, one can still dual wield them awesomely.
Step 2: Disassemble all of them, BE CAREFUL TO KEEP ONE STILL IN RUNNING CONDITION. Separate all the drum clips from the guns. Don't worry if some are different colors, they all work the same way. Put the working order one back together, and test. If the guns just seem to hate you, this mod might not be the one for you. Seriously, they can be picky as to who uses them. My brother, for one, can't fire a single shot without it jamming, I can fire all three clips in a row without a problem.
Step 3: Using a saw, cut off the front and back spinners EXCEPT THE CENTER RING. Do not break the center, or this mod may not work.
Step 4: Press the clip release button in and slide the clip into its usual place. If it doesn't fit A) you are using the wrong side of the gun, B) you have the clip backwards, or C) you failed to trim off enough of the spinners. If C) is the case, go back to Step 3.
Step 5(How to Reload): (This goes not only for initial testing but for reloading as well, so remember this Step.) When the clip feels like it should be in place, spin it. If it clicks while spinning, then the clip is correctly locked into the Rotator. If so, wiggle the clip, and try again (tip: check to see if the front pin is lined up. if not, the rear pin can't be.). After several unsuccessful tries, one might want to try removing the clip by hitting the Clip Release button and pulling the clip out, and try again.
Step 6 (Optional): If you want a gun like mine, first: go to your local hobby store, buy Camo duct tape in desired pattern (I used CADPAT), Second: go to a Disneyland and buy a Wookie Crossbow (seriously, i got mine there), cut off its stock and lastly tape the stock onto the gun with said duct tape (Tip: you may need spacers to keep the stock out of the way of the slide.
Step 7 (Troubleshooting): If the REV6A2 doesn't fire when the trigger is pulled, then the gun may not be cocked. If only a BANG noise is made when the clip is in and loaded, but no dart is fired, it may have had trouble rotating the chambers. The easiest solution to this is to rotate the barrels by hand.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Some websites.

Between these three websites, I have found a lot of information I needed for various research projects I did.

Site 1
Site 2
Site 3

     I found each of these websites very useful in various research assignments. It's probably a lot more information then you ever needed on topics you'll probably never see again. then again, any information on a topic you'll never see again is more than necessary. Which brings me to the reason I did this: if I put those links at the top, I predict that most people will click on the links before reading this paragraph, not realizing that they are completely unnecesary to visit, because they don't want to read all of the words in this. Also, I predict that those who do skip stragiht to the end will do so because they read the web addresses and realized that they didn't care. To end in a way so people who read the ending lines won't notice this is a test: All three sites have a lot to do with very narrow topics of the Second World War, on various fronts. Hope you found those links useful, I certainly did.
     Please leave any comments in the comments section, I have trouble reading the ones you write in Sharpie on your monitor.

Monday, June 27, 2011

You are Here.

(In case you can't see it, you are on the northwest peninsula of Miscellaneous Blogs [Southmost region of the Blogosphere] into the Sea of Zero (0) Comments)
Many thanks to xkcd (yes it is all lower case, visit the writer's intro) for the picture.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Does anyone else think that second to last section doesn't fit?

Store Categories

All the other options are plastic modelling scales (1/144, 1/16, 1/32, 1/35, 1/350, 1/48, 1/72, 1/700)
I found this on EBay, so evidently approved of this.

Friday, April 29, 2011

My messed up blog statistics page

is messed up.

Proof of Case #1: Numbers
This problem is common throughout all my electronics.
Evidence Item A:

97+2=99, not 100

Proof of Case #2: Spacing
This doesn't get the point across as well as one might want.

It's even worse on my "Traffic Sources". On the Graph:
1 unit goes about 8 lines
2 units go exactly 0 lines (0 pixels)
7 units go about 1.5 lines
And the verdict?
Defendant (Computer, spoken for by me) pleads insanity; Judge (me), Jury (me) drop charges on account that the computer doesn't mess up any of my work stored on the hard drive.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

One of my favorite teachers, Part 1: Miss Carney

One of my favorite teachers, whom I remember very clearly, was in Colorado. Ms. Carney was my 7th Grade Social Studies (sort of like geography, only more toward the cultural side, i.e. comparing cultures of North America and East Asia).
I actually don't remember much, I only remember A) how well she kept peace and order in her classroom, and B) how she celebrated Halloween.
First off: Keeping order. Ms. Carney was like a ninja in terms of spotting people talking, chewing gum, or anything of the sort. She was so profficient at spotting these sorts of things that she wouldn't even break a sentence to tell someone not to do something. i.e.
 "...The Romans conquered much of the known world, and _____, can you stop talking, but a key to there success was there microgovernments. _____, please spit out your gum. Unlike previous rulers, the Romans..."
Then, of course, her Halloween tales. She had the class gather around, and she told her horror story:

"Once, there was a couple, living happily in the swamplands of Louisiana. All day, the wife would stay home fixing up the house, and the husband spent all day chopping trees for lumber. This way, they kept a steady income.
However, this style of living got uprooted when, while out working, the man screwed up, and ended up having a tree land on his arm. The doctors managed to save him, but not his arm. Being as wealthy as they were from built up funds, they managed to buy a cheap prosthetic arm out of gold*, and he was able to get back to work soon, but he just could not get as many trees downed per day, and so they had to go without many luxuries.
A couple months after the accident, the husband started noticing a pain in his shoulder. The doctors looked at it, and found an infected area from the accident they had failed to clean before. The wife tried to save enough money, but they infection was making the husband slower than ever at chopping trees.
Eventually, the husband died. And, as is customary with funerals in/near swamps, they buried him in an above ground mausoleum. The wife mourned and mourned for several months, but eventually got over it.
A year after her husband died, the wife was having huge financial difficulties, and decided it had been long enough since he died. She then goes to the mausoleum, breaks it open, and cuts off the golden prosthetic. This she then pawns for enough money to get her some tools to get a steady job.
On the first night after work, she goes to bed, but is startled back awake to a sound:
She realizes that it's probably just the wind in trees, and goes back to sleep.
On the second night after work, she goes to bed, but is startled awake to a sound:
She makes the same conclusion as the night before, and goes back to sleep
Third night, and she hears:
"Whooooooooos  gaaaaaw"
She is a bit more frightened, but makes the same conclusion.
This pattern continues, until, one night, she hears:
"Who's got my arm!"
She then hears her husband's boots at the front steps. Scared, she covers her face in her blankets. Then the boots get closer, and closer, until... BOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"
Yeah, it was scarier when she told it in person.
Lastly, an amusing thing about Carney was that, even in Colorado, people didn't have "suthern accents", at least not strong ones. But Carney was complete Texan accent.
All in all, she was a great teacher.

*I use cheap loosely here. By cheap, I mean compared to a working prosthetic. Also, gold is good because it won't rust and infect him, so it's not just a status symbol here.