My Kit

I have a fairly simple, basic kit for modeling, perfect for A) expert modelers on the move, or B) people like me, who are new to the modelling world.
Here are some pictures of my original kit:

Left to Right: Decal box, building tool box, painting tool box.

Sure, that may look like a lot of paints, but trust me, it isn't.
It included:
-Construction Tool Box: 1 pair of tweezers; 1 modelling knife; 2 tubes of glue (one full, one almost empty); 1 sheet of fine sandpaper
-Painting Tool Box: About 20 small bottles of paint; probably 10 paintbrushes of various sizes; 1 medium bottle of brush cleaner; 1 paper towel to dry brushes on; 2 stir sticks (made from clippings of a sprue)
-Decal Collection Box: All the decals I had, in no particular order
-Parts Collection Box: All the extra pieces I had, in no particular order, still on full sprues

To make it worse, most of the boxes were flimsy.

Now, I have:

My Tool Kit, closed

Tool Tray

Paints area

Only the top 2 levels of bins are for modeling; the rest are Lego.

My collection of paper stuff (Decals, box fronts, instructions, and apparently
the puzzle section of a newspaper.

My decals

My spare parts, neatly organized
It now includes:
-Tool box lid: 2 glues, 1 pair of scissors, 1 multi-tool, 3 modeling knives, 2 tweezers
-Tool box Tray: 8 paints (my most commonly used ones), 1 tape + dispenser, 4-5 brushes, 3-4 stir sticks, 1 grip-pad (for opening paints easily), 2 paint-mixing holders, 1 pair of tweezers, 1 sheet of fine sandpaper
-Tool box main: 33 paints, ~35 brushes, 2 paint thinners, 1 rag
-Bin 1: Yet to be painted models
-Bin 2: Yet to be completely built models (This is usually empty, and double-serves as an overflow-catcher for the "Yet to be painted models" bin. This should tell you a bit about which part I enjoy more.)
-Bin 3: Spare parts, neatly organized by origin & scale.
-Bin 4: Diorama construction tools (Snow powder, fake grass/vegetation, Street lamps & signs, fuel drum w/ hose, etc.)
-Bin 5: Unassigned models (i.e. my 1/48 Sherman, which I could never quite fit in anywhere)
-Bin 6: My ''Test Subjects'', my two 1/76 tanks which died while I was testing my first spraypaint job from WAY too close.
-Folder A (Left): Small scale instructions (1/72, 1/76)
-Folder A (Right): Large scale instructions (1/35, 1/48)
-Folder B (Left): Replacement letters, company warranties, etc.
-Folder B (Right): Japanese/Chinese instructions (All), just in case!
-Plastic tub: Fronts of boxes, the flap of a box which contains the description, any back-of-box instructions, "other things sold by this company", etc.
-Decal Holder: Originally for Pokemon, now holds decals sorted by purpose; which is, admittedly, almost always by kit, but sometimes not (i.e. German Helmet decals, German Vehicle Decals)

A lot more than the first kit, you'll notice.